Monday, August 4, 2014

Lolita Problems: What Ever Happened to Crystal Chan?

Depending on how long you've been subscribed to my channel, you may be familiar with the YouTuber Crystal Chan. I've promo-ed her channel numerous times in the past and would continue to do so to this day if she were still an active voice in the YouTube Lolita community.
It may have come to your attention now that her channel lays barren. Her Facebook page rests in a similar state. The question I've been asked often is "why". Why has Crystal, a role model for plus sized girls and those on a budget alike, seemingly gone off the grid?
It's a rather long story.
A few weeks ago, Crystal messaged me on Facebook regarding a video that bothered her. Curious to know what ruffled her petti, I clicked the link to find a video which in my opinion appeared to be an ill attempt at satire. Below you may find the video, so that you may draw your own conclusions on the content.

May you find it humorous to not, I believe we can agree on some level that this not the kind of video we want newer Lolitas or their parents, for that matter, looking at. I can see the looks on parent's faces now, cringing at the thought that their daughter is into age play and wants to wear "milky tits". 
It sends the wrong message. 
Yes, those more experienced with the fashion will know it's all a big joke, but how about that stranger that asked you the other day what you were wearing? You told them it was called Lolita fashion right? What if they saw this video and thought this was what you were all about?
Being the Lolita I am, concerned for the well being of new girls and old alike, when Crystal proposed that we both comment on the video, requesting that the title be changed to better reflect the content, I immediately began drafting. Within minutes of posting, I received the most thought provoking response from the video's author. A single, beautiful "lol". Brilliant. 
It became increasingly obvious to me that I wasn't getting anywhere as comment after comment rained down. Normally I would black out all the names of those I discuss, but in this situation, they put themselves out there with their comments. It would be a disservice, to those who know them, for me to cover up their true feelings.

Let me take a moment, though, to thank kingponk for that lovely description of me. Yes, let me go read the gospels of a Modest Proposal and preach the truth that we should eat small impoverished children. I mean, it came from the quill of a priest, so it must be serious, right?  
As I've advised in my video regarding behind the bows, it's best to ignore comments like these or brush them off. Their thoughts can not and will not hurt you unless you consent them to. Crystal is unlike me when it comes to dealing with these sorts of responses, so when she received harsher words, she not only took their words to heart, but as truth. 

Where the comments I received were troll statements, Crystal received a full on personal attack. Whoever is behind the username TheWild Doge should feel ashamed of themselves for their body shaming and classist behavior. Not to mention that abilist attitude they have going on, which is honestly not something I typically point out, but it's undeniably obvious here.
There are a few things which I would like to dismantle in their argument before moving further with the story. The first here being the idea that you can not come up in the world and you're stuck in the economic position you were born in. This is full on garbage. In this day in age, children born into poverty can and have risen above the ashes and created beautiful things. Here in America, we don't do a lot of things right, but at least a PoC raised by a single parent struggling to make ends meet can grow up with the ability to rise to presidency. It's not the economic place you're born in that defines you, it's where you go despite the difficulty. Maybe Crystal comes from a less fortunate family than yours, but with her kindness and patience, I am certain she will succeed at being a wonderful teacher.
TheWild Doge seemingly believes that there is only one body type for Lolita fashion- theirs. I'm not sorry to burst their bubble. People come in all shapes and sizes and they are all beautiful. It is no one's place to tell someone that they need to change themselves to fit their own closed minded believe on how the human form should manifest itself. I've noticed this as a trend among a lot of girls in Lolita fashion. They believe that you have to be thin to fit the mold, when this simply isn't the case.
I consider myself to be rather thin, weighting only 95lbs, and being petite built. Some may say this is the typical form Lolita brands like Angelic Pretty and Baby make their clothing for, but let me tell you, I own Promenade de Paris and that dress is too big for me. Same goes for Merry Making in the Ghost Town and Pop Love. I've found this to be the case with a few other Lolitas that are around my size.
With that said, there are many brands that have begun making dresses in larger sizes or with the option of custom sizing. A few of my favorites are Infanta, Magic Tea Party, Pumpkin Cat, and Chess Story. If you are in the party that large popular brands haven't jumped on this band wagon, Metamorphose is known for their larger size friendly clothing.
Also, your idea of beauty isn't everyone else's. Consider that before you call someone ugly or a pig.
When it comes to the items in other people's wardrobes, it is honestly none of your business. If someone decides to purchase a replica, you have no place to tell them that they can't. I'm sorry you value yourself so highly, but people get to make their own choices.
At the same time, you need to choose for yourself not to watch videos you find unpleasant. If you found Crystal's videos to be long and an all around bore, you shouldn't watch. Personally, I enjoyed her videos for their calm relaxed tone. It was very informal, but that's what made me enjoy her channel so much. There are so many YouTubers who fake it and Crystal's "this is me and this is what I think" attitude is what inspired me into making the Lolita Problems and How do Lolita series I do today. Take charge of your own media consumption. If you don't enjoy something, close the tab.
I believe what TheWild Doge means by "learn to fucking Japan" is that Crystal should learn Japanese. It would be rather difficult to learn the entirety of everything Japan, and for someone who is so critical of others, they really should check their grammar.
Their point here was that Crystal should remove the -chan from her username due to it being perceived as rude and cultural appropriation. I'm not a fan of honorific suffixes either, but I stand by the belief that if you want your point to come across, you'll need to speak intelligently. And no, bashing someone for their economic class, body type, and general appearance is not the mature way to go. Maybe if TheWild Doge attempted to be respectful towards another human being, Crystal would have changed her username. But by all means, continue to insult others to get your way.
I'm going to group number six and eight together here since TheWild Doge seems to care an awful lot about other people's hygiene. I believe the rule, you can't tell other people what to do, applies here yet again. Someone can have yellow teeth for multiple reasons, may it be a fault in the camera lighting or a dental issue. I actually have a tooth that's permanently discolored due to it growing in without enamel. It's no one's fault, it just grew in that way. Unless you're a dentist, I suggest you stay out of other people's dental health.
Regarding number seven, I don't think TheWild Doge understands that one does not simply acquire better coords and again, just because you don't like something, doesn't mean other people feel the same way.
I'm not even going to spend time explaining what's wrong with number nine. I'm sure you can smell the immaturity.
Lastly, I've said many a time before, ita is not an adjective used to describe people. Shortened from the word itai, ita means physically painful or sore, as in someone hit you over the head with a brick and now your head hurts. No one person can be ita. It's a term used to describe objects which may physically harm you. If you're so insistent that someone learn Japanese, I suggest you look into yourself before you misuse ita again.
Now we may resume the previously scheduled story time.
As I said before, Crystal took these words to heart, wounding her terribly. I think, part of the reason why this comment hurt so much was because only a little while ago she had been bullied online and off by a local Lolita community. This time, she put her foot down and set out to remove herself from the situation. First it was her just not responding to the comment, but later she decided to delete her videos and remove herself from YouTube all together.
It would be dishonest of me to say it didn't make me upset to hear the news. I was hoping for her to power through, but it's unreasonable for me to put that expectation on her. When I asked her a few weeks after the incident, she said that she didn't want to put herself out there like that anymore- that she wasn't that into YouTube in the first place. She said, she didn't see a point to doing it anymore if she was just going to get comments like this, especially since they're regarding things she can't help.
For a while now, since she's gotten rid of her videos, I've been feeling sad, like I should have stopped the person right from the first comment. But I didn't do anything, I thought it was under control and I failed her as a friend.
It seems as though TheWild Doge and those that hold the same beliefs as them have won. They're holding their victory party on Behind the Bows and CGL, threatening those which don't fit the mold they have devised that this is what happens to you if you try to be a Lolita.
It makes me feel filthy.
This is the exact problem I discussed in my video Everything Wrong with the Lolita Community. You can find it below for you viewing pleasure.

The bullying problem is real and thriving. As a community we need to step up and tell attackers that this isn't acceptable behavior. Accusations tossed at victims like Crystal hold no ground nor do they have anything to do with someone's ability to wear a petticoat. If we stand together, fighting against those that believe Lolita fashion isn't for plus sized, PoC, abled men, women, and those which are nonbinary, we can truly make a difference and turn this community around for the better.

Though, Crystal may be done with YouTube, she has a few things left to say:
"Each person will have their own limits on what they can take before it gets [to be] too much. People who call me pathetic are practically calling others, who would break down [and] be in a lot worse case than myself, that as well. You see too many young people getting bullied over the net and cutting or being suicidal. To call that pathetic, to get yourself out of a situation [...] before it gets worse, is just so sad. Take care of your physical and emotional health first."
Crystal, I couldn't have said it any better myself. To go on record, I still believe you are a wonderful role model. Keep calm and coord on!


  1. This really makes me sad. Truly. Bullying is never acceptable, but I would think that lolitas - who have to take so much criticism and sh*t from others outside the fashion - would want to unite and be nice to each other. Not chew out those they think "unworthy" of the fashion. That is simply not true, lolita is clothes, and anyone can wear them and look gorgeous. There are no standards that will or won't make you "a proper lolita".

    If I were to consider the feedback they gave Crystal, I myself wouldn't be a lolita either. 1) I don't own a single brand piece - just some "Taobao-brand Chinese sweat shop" clothes and self made things. 2) I also have a long list of health problems affecting also my appearance (dead-pale skin and very little muscle) - I'm not fit for lolita.

    Being bullied for most of my life I really hate to see this, that nice and awesome people are ripped to shreds by someone/people who have no comprehension of the damage they're doing. There is no just reason for this. None. Why can't we all just act like adults and have proper conversations, not this slur of hateful things just to hurt.

    1. NekoPocky DESS is a ita character that my cousin made up for fun. Like Miranda Sings. It's a parody. She actually really loves lolita fashion and didn't mean to offend anyone.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I had to repost this to get rid of the typos.

    I finally had the opportunity to read this and it's inspired some bittersweet ambivalence. You made me tear up. This is extremely moving in so many ways. I wish I'd taken more time to and grow close to Crystal-chan and be friends with her. Now I feel like I missed an opportunity to connect and will never have another.

    I agree: the initial video which caused all of this hullabaloo should've been renamed. It really wasn't complicated to just indicate clearly that it was intended to be humorous rather than causing the uninitiated to think it was legitimately instructive.

    Had I seen something like this when I first got into lolita, I know I'd have been scared off not only by the content but by the reaction to comments like Crystal's and yours, by the demeanor of the gal in the video even in jest (I sometimes struggle to notice verbal irony even w/o an intellectual difficulty; there's nothing sarcastic about her tone so those saying as much need lexicons), and if my mother had seen this when I was a minor I KNOW she'd have openly opposed letting me wear the style. Thankfully I'm an adult and I don't have to worry about it now.

    However, having initially developed an interest in Japanese pop culture and street fashion as a child, I recall my mother going through my things once & just seeing the word "bible" in the title of GLB mags caused her to ban them from the house as sacrilege. Having had such an experience, I can reasonably extrapolate that countless others could potentially think something similar or possibly MORE extreme in response. Not everyone is as self aware as some of us and therefore we should protect the interests of those who cannot make the distinction. Things like this have become so confusing online that Facebook is forcing a marker for parody or satirical links in order to cull confusion. Why'd this person believe that her video was any different in that respect? It is no more an exception than those links on Facebook. Additionally, content creators have a certain responsibility towards the audience as a whole, not just their target audience.

    I've commented on videos and your FB page passionately in the past re: bullying. I've always wanted a lolita friend myself but even among my friends that are enthusiasts I'm remiss to discuss the fashion because of some of these very same attitudes I see in response to you and Crystal-chan....and I actually considered these people friends well before I knew they enjoyed the same sense of style as myself.

    Bullying, shaming, and ad hominem are unnecessary and damaging. We must to come together and elevate ourselves through support, with love, and in exercising the same passion we display in memorizing print names to show kindness toward one another. Seeing this kind of thing just scares people off that may like to participate who might be more anxious to begin with. That's not OK.

    I caught up on videos by CanYouDoItCat and she has one titled "Tokyo Lolita Fashion 1day special space アリスとロリータファション大コラボイベント". In it there is a panel that begins at 2:27 w/ three influential designers or persons associated with the fashion. At 3:42, Oishi Ran sums up many of the issues with the fashion community today when she says, "This era has become a bit more strict than 10 years ago and the frame of Lolita fashion has become a little restrictive. 'You have to do it like that' 'This is the right way to wear it' break out of those frames. Also, break down the wall between those who wear Lolita and those who don't. Instead, simply wear Lolita and make every day more fun and hopefully that charm will get noticed by others." Seeing/hearing those words really struck home. If tastemakers at the helm of the style are saying such things, why is it so challenging to get enthusiasts on board? This is a concern worth solving.

    Once again I have gone on a long ramble. I hope it was at least coherent this time...

    1. NekoPocky DESS is a ita character that my cousin made up for fun. Like Miranda Sings. It's a parody. She actually really loves lolita fashion and didn't mean to offend anyone.

  4. I asked my neighbor who is 12 and knows nothing about Lolita if she thought the video was funny. I told her "tell me what you think this video is about" She replied "Well she's trying to be funny about buying dresses from far away". So your conclusion that only people who know the content is wrong. therefor your whole argument is wrong. People don't explain a joke before they tell it, it doesn't make it funny anymore. And more importantly I'm sick of people saying we need to represent this fashion. No, I do not represent all black people and my actions don't reflect it as such. Stop.

  5. Your actions are considered bullying by your definition. You can't have it both ways.

  6. "You need to choose for yourself not to watch videos you find unpleasant."
    Why are you so mad about nekopockys video then?

  7. One of the biggest things I've noticed in not only in lolita, but in other jfashion communities is the whole girl on girl hate. Instead of supporting each other and helping each other out, we end up tearing each other down. It's really sexist and I hate it when these people use "It's just the Internet" or "can you just take a joke" excuse to dismiss their criticism against them. That troll is obviously a shithead and I'm glad you called her out on it with a mature and calm matter.

    I'm sorry for the profanity, but just these comments she send made me cringe. I hope your friend is doing well and maybe return if she's ready. It's really sad that many lolitas online think that this behavior is ok and it's just "free speech". I agree that they should say whatever they like, but they should be prepared for the consequences and if they don't like it and continue to act like entitled babies, then that's their problem and we should continue to build lolita and jfashion communities stronger and safer for anyone to join.

  8. NekoPocky DESS is a ita character that my cousin made up for fun. Like Miranda Sings. It's a parody.

  9. Sounds like someone doesn't understand what autism or aspergers syndrome actually is lol. They were trying to troll so hard but they failed the moment they tried to use autism as an insult without being able to even define it. It's sad because they probably thought they sounded sooo cool. Better luck next time lmao XD
